miércoles, 23 de abril de 2008

Oferta SKAL - Galaxias Hotels Grecia

De: Bianca [mailto:biancaoriginal@andorra.ad]
Enviado el: dimecres, 23 / abril / 2008 12:28
Para: 'info@galaxias-hotels.com'
Asunto: RE: in friendship and SKAL
Importancia: Alta

Thank you for your offer Mr. Sapountzis

We will publish your offer on our “internal blog” for our members !

Best regards,

Bianca Meeuwissen
Presidenta Skal Andorra

E-mail: skalandorra@gmail.com; biancaoriginal@andorra.ad
Tel/Fax: + 376 838515
Mobile phone: +376 322379


De: GALAXIAS BEACH HOTEL [mailto:info@galaxias-hotels.com]
Enviado el: martes, 15 de abril de 2008 12:35
Para: stj@andorra.ad
CC: oj@andorra.ad; original@andorra.ad
Asunto: Fw: in friendship and SKAL

Dear Skalleaques,

First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Nikos Sapountzis,
I’m the owner of Galaxias Beach Hotel and member Board of directors
of SKAL Club Thessaloniki-Macedonia-Greece.

Following our motto "doing business among friends", I’m delighted to
tell you that Galaxias Beach Hotel can provide high standards in
accommodation, catering services, leisure and business.

My colleagues and I, we hope that we will have you as our guest
in our hotel soon.

Sincerely yours,

Nikos Sapountzis
Galaxias Beach Hotel
2, Lambraki street
Agia Triada, Thessaloniki
GR-57019 Greece
Tel: +30 23920 22-291
Fax: +30 23920 24-364
E-mail: info@galaxias-hotels.com
Web: www.galaxias-hotels.com

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